About Us

Who We Are

The Arc of Northern Virginia

Founded in 1962, The Arc of Northern Virginia represents and serves more than 39,000 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) with direct service programs, education, and advocacy. For more than six decades, The Arc of Northern Virginia has recognized the continuity of needs across the life span of people with IDD, and the changing supports needed by the families who support them.


The Arc of Northern Virginia believes that people with IDD – such as autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and a number of rare chromosomal disorders – are a vital part of the community and have fundamental moral, civil and constitutional rights to be fully included and actively participate in all aspects of society.

meet our team

Our Mission:

The Arc of Northern Virginia promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.

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Where We Are

The Arc of Northern Virginia is a local chapter of the largest national non-profit organization serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families.

Our service area includes the Cities of Alexandria, Fairfax, and Falls Church; and Arlington and Fairfax Counties in Virginia. We are a small, grassroots, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization governed by a local volunteer board of directors. We receive some funding for the direct services we provide, but we are largely supported by membership dues and donations.

Programs & Services

Our Programs

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At The Arc of Northern Virginia, we speak out on issues that affect large portions of our disability community. We engage in systems-level advocacy activities focused at the state and local level.

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DD Waiver Support Coordination

DD Waiver Support Coordination

The Arc of Northern Virginia is a Support Coordination contractor for several regional CSBs, to offer support coordination services to individuals who are actively receiving a Medicaid Waiver.

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Information & Referral

Information & Referral

You’ve got questions and we’ve got answers! The Arc of Northern Virginia’s Information and Referral program helps families navigate the complex and often confusing disability service system.

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Public Guardianship

Public Guardianship

The Arc of Northern Virginia has operated a public guardianship since 1995. We are one of 12 organizations that contract with the Virginia Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) to provide this invaluable service.

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Special Needs Trust

Special Needs Trust

Our Special Needs Trust exists to assist people with disabilities and their families in saving money for the future without losing public benefits, like Medicaid and Social Security that have strict asset caps.

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Tech for Independent Living

Tech for Independent Living

Capitalizing on the capabilities of smart devices is a significant opportunity for supporting and building independence, and overcoming functional challenges, at all levels for individuals in their schools, jobs and communities.

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Transition POINTS

Transition POINTS

Our umbrella program is called Transition POINTS, and provides people with disabilities, parents, siblings and other caregivers with the information they need to make decisions at key points across the lifespan.

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Board of Directors

Michael Thomas

Consultant & Substitute School Administrator, Fairfax County Public Schools

Michael Thomas


Consultant & Substitute School Administrator, Fairfax County Public Schools

Brian Creswick

Director of Operations, Aspen Institute College Excellence Program

Brian Creswick

1st Vice President

Director of Operations, Aspen Institute College Excellence Program

Sunny Blanco

Commercial Services Officer, United Bank

Sunny Blanco

2nd Vice President

Commercial Services Officer, United Bank

Evelyn Burke Herb

Manager, Capital One

Evelyn Burke Herb


Manager, Capital One

Peter Dressel

Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting

Peter Dressel


Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting

Mark Albert

Retired, Freddie Mac

Mark Albert

Past President

Retired, Freddie Mac

Melody Akhavan
President & Anesthesiologist, Capital Anesthesia Associates, LLC

Melody Akhavan

Board Member

President & Anesthesiologist, Capital Anesthesia Associates, LLC
Sarah Armstrong

Founding Principal and Owner, Studio 360

Sarah Armstrong

Board Member

Founding Principal and Owner, Studio 360

Doug Church

Chairman, Foundation of The Arc of Northern Virginia

Doug Church

Board Member

Chairman, Foundation of The Arc of Northern Virginia

Sharon Cummings

CEO/President, SLC, Inc.

Sharon Cummings

Board Member

CEO/President, SLC, Inc.

Hannah Dannenfelser

Community Engagement Dir., Leadership Center for Excellence

Hannah Dannenfelser

Board Member

Community Engagement Dir., Leadership Center for Excellence

Mark Fowler

Retired, Neonatologist

Mark Fowler

Board Member

Retired, Neonatologist

Elizabeth Gray

Elder Law Attorney, McCandlish Lillard, P.C.

Elizabeth Gray

Board Member

Elder Law Attorney, McCandlish Lillard, P.C.

Lissy John

Solutions Associate Partner-Reimagining Economies, McKinsey & Company

Lissy John

Board Member

Solutions Associate Partner-Reimagining Economies, McKinsey & Company

Donalda Jones

Vice Pres. of Programs, Community Concepts & Community Visions

Donalda Jones

Board Member

Vice Pres. of Programs, Community Concepts & Community Visions

Marisa Laios

Self-Advocate & Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation Volunteer

Marisa Laios

Board Member

Self-Advocate & Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation Volunteer

Toby Latham

Counsel, Vasseghi Law Group

Toby Latham

Board Member

Counsel, Vasseghi Law Group

Matt Leland

Investment Manager and Legal Counsel, Omni Bridgeway

Matt Leland

Board Member

Investment Manager and Legal Counsel, Omni Bridgeway

donna patchett

Retired, Disability Advocate

Donna Patchett

Board Member

Retired, Disability Advocate

dan scheinkman

Vice President of Compensation Benefits & Payroll, Freddie Mac

Dan Scheinkman

Board Member

Vice President of Compensation Benefits & Payroll, Freddie Mac

Erin Schiffman

Business & Employment Litigation Attorney, Odin Feldman Pittleman

Erin Schiffman

Board Member

Business & Employment Litigation Attorney, Odin Feldman Pittleman

frank stephens

Advocate, actor and athlete

Frank Stephens

Board Member

Advocate, actor and athlete

Our internal team is made up of a diverse group of professionals with a wide range of expertise in nonprofit management, advocacy, fund development, program development and evaluation, financial management, technology solutions, communications strategies, event management, and more. Together, we aim to provide responsive programs and services of the highest quality to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities of all ages and their families.

Our Staff


Melissa Heifetz

703.208.1119 ext. 106

Melissa Heifetz Executive Director

703.208.1119 ext. 106

Emelina Warsing Administrative Coordinator


Lucy Beadnell

703.208.1119 ext. 116

Lucy Beadnell Director of Advocacy

703.208.1119 ext. 116

Majo Flores Frank Trippett Advocacy & Outreach Fellow

Communications & Community Relations

dianne murphy

703.208.1119 ext. 114

Dianne Murphy Director of Communications & Community Relations

703.208.1119 ext. 114

rob hudson

703.208.1119 ext. 120

Rob Hudson Digital Communications Manager & Frank Trippett Advocacy & Outreach Fellow

703.208.1119 ext. 120



Howard Stregack

703.208.1119 ext. 123

Howard Stregack Director of Development

703.208.1119 ext. 123

Laura Allen

703-208-1119 ext. 124

Laura Allen Special Events Manager

703-208-1119 ext. 124


DD Wavier Support Coordination

Cheryl Johnson

703.208.1119 ext. 131

Cheryl Johnson Director, Services

703.208.1119 ext. 131

Lisa Fong

703.208.1119 ext. 128

Lisa Fong Assistant Director, Services

703.208.1119 ext. 128

Melissa House

703.208.1119 ext. 129

Melissa House DD Waiver Support Coordinator

703.208.1119 ext. 129

Hillary Rodak

703.208.1119 ext. 132

Hillary Rodak DD Waiver Support Coordinator

703.208.1119 ext. 132

ebony bowers

703-208-1119 ext. 126

Ebony Bowers DD Waiver Support Coordinator

703-208-1119 ext. 126

Dana McInvale

703-208-1119 ext. 126

Dana McInvale DD Waiver Support Coordinator

703-208-1119 ext. 126



Diane Monnig

703.208.1119 ext. 118

Diane Monnig Director, Programs

703.208.1119 ext. 118


Public Guardianship

Shannon Bond-Young

703-208-1119 ext. 122

Shannon Bond-Young Program Director, Public Guardianship

703-208-1119 ext. 122

Wendy Asmen

703-208-1119 ext. 121

Wendy Asmen Public Guardian Representative

703-208-1119 ext. 121

Alyzza Porrata-Doria Guardian Representative

Special Needs Trust

Ana Hughes

703.208.1119 ext. 130

Ana Hughes Director of Trusts

703.208.1119 ext. 130

Kevin Collins

703.208.1119 ext. 119

Kevin Collins Account Manager

703.208.1119 ext. 119

Allie Shelby

703.208.1119 ext. 134

Allie Shelby Account Coordinator

703.208.1119 ext. 134

Fiona Wright

703.208.1119 ext. 135

Fiona Wright Client Coordinator

703.208.1119 ext. 135

Grace Rhodes

703.208.1119 ext. 115

Grace Rhodes Account Coordinator - Incoming Funds

703.208.1119 ext. 115


Tech for Independent Living

Ashley Africa-Osborne

703.208.1119 ext. 140

Ashley Africa-Osborne Program Manager

703.208.1119 ext. 140

Ashley Schalick

703.208.1119 ext. 117

Ashley Schalick Senior Project Manager

703.208.1119 ext. 117

Keziah Wohlers

703-208-1119 ext. 143

Keziah Wohlers Program Specialist

703-208-1119 ext. 143

Ryan McNulty

703-208-1119 ext. 142

Ryan McNulty Program Specialist

703-208-1119 ext. 142



Expressions of gratitude from those who have been helped by our work
“Lucy Beadnell is a gem and such a fantastic resource. She always responds quickly, and will deftly answer a question. She has a lovely way of making caregivers feel seen and heard. Over the years we’ve relied on Lucy as she helps to guide us on our journey. I don’t know how we’d do it without the Arc. Thank you.”

Jen Tucker

“The Arc of Northern Virginia is a friend and a defender, not only for my daughter but for all those challenged with Intellectual Disability. The staff does a tremendous job, and it is just amazing to witness all the progress which has been made under their leadership. For sure I am a big fan. ”

Ed O’Brien

Father of Shana

“Zachary enjoys using the Tech for Independent Living (TFIL) app to help him learn to cook. He especially enjoys making muffins which he can now make independently. He is also using life skills apps to gain independence. Thank you Tech for Independent Living team for making such a valuable app.”

Alex Yellin

Father of Zach Yellin

“Every time I run out of options for solving a need for my adult intellectually-disabled son, The Arc of Northern Virginia has provided a pathway for help. Without this organization, our lives would be much more difficult.”

Esther Baldiva

Mother of Nick Baldiva

“My son has had case management with The Arc of Northern Virginia for a number of years and it has made all the difference. The Arc of Northern Virginia, with its wonderful group of case managers, has simply been one of the best things to ever happen to us.”

Jenni Blick

“I highly recommend The Arc of Northern Virginia for their exceptional advocacy for individuals with intellectual disabilities.”

The Carlucci Family

Parents of Phillip


Bridging the Opportunity Gap

How You Can Help Make an Impact

In northern Virginia, more than 39,000 individuals of all ages have some form of IDD

Bridging the Opportunity Gap

How You Can Help Make an Impact

The Arc of Northern Virginia fields over 2,000 Information & Referral requests annually

Bridging the Opportunity Gap

How You Can Help Make an Impact

We provide more than 70 educational workshops and webinars each year on a wide range of lifespan topics
Family using computer together

Bridging the Opportunity Gap

How You Can Help Make an Impact

More than 2,100 families have established a Special Needs Trust with The Arc of Northern Virginia
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