Benefit Breakfast

Benefit Breakfast

A Life Like Yours

Wednesday, April 9, 2025

Hilton McLean Tysons Corner

Benefit Breakfast 2025



“A Life Like Yours” Benefit Breakfast

7th annual event celebrates Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.

Join us for The Arc of Northern Virginia’s seventh “A Life Like Yours” Benefit Breakfast to raise important funds to sustain and strengthen vital programs, services, and advocacy for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. You’ll hear first-hand from self-advocates and parents about the challenges faced and how The Arc of Northern Virginia has made a difference.

The event takes place on Wednesday, April 9, 2025, at the Hilton McLean Tysons Corner on 7920 Jones Branch Drive in McLean.  A coffee reception & networking period begins at 7:30 am.  The breakfast and program begin at 8:00 am, and ends promptly at 9:00 am, followed by an optional half hour set aside for networking. Though there is no cost to attend and no ticket to purchase, however, this event is a fundraiser. Our intention is that attendees will be inspired to support our work and the positive outcomes for the community when asked to make their donation to The Arc of Northern Virginia.

A Life Like Yours Benefit Breakfast will be held on
Wednesday, April 9, 2025

The Arc of Northern Virginia’s A Life Like Yours Benefit Breakfast is an annual event that raises critical funding required to provide information, education, direct support services, and advocacy to meet the needs of the 39,000 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities of all ages and their families in Northern Virginia.



Yes, this is a fundraiser. However, there is no cost to attend the breakfast, and no minimum or maximum suggested donation. It will be up to us to inspire you with the stories of those we serve. The important thing is to attend. We would love for you to hear first-hand what The Arc of Northern Virginia does, and meet some of the people whose lives have been changed for the better.



Wednesday, April 9, 2025

Hilton McLean Tysons Corner, 7920 Jones Branch Dr, McLean, VA 22102.
Click here for Google Map

Entrance and Parking:
Parking and the main entrance to the ballroom area of the hotel are located behind the building. Enter the hotel property using the south driveway off Jones Branch Road, then drive between the buildings (the hotel on your left) to the parking lot. Here you should also see the covered walkway to the entrance doors.

Once inside the hotel, greeters will help guide you to the check-in area.  Here you will receive your table seating assignment and pick up your name badge. Once checked in, you’re all set to enjoy the networking reception (with beverages) in the atrium.

Schedule of Events:
7:30 – 7:55  Arrival, check-in, coffee and networking
7:55  Proceed to the ballroom and find your seats
8:00  Breakfast is served & program begins
9:00  Program ends
9:00 – 9:30  Networking (Optional)


You must register to attend. To inquire about registering for this event, please send an email to Please kindly inquire by March 31, 2025.




A Life Like Yours’ is a phrase we use to remind us that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities want the same things we all want…a home of our own, a quality education, a meaningful job or way we spend our days, and relationships we value and depend on. It’s the vision for a community-based system of supports and services that enable individuals to obtain and enjoy a quality life in the community.

People with disabilities often face many hurdles as they attempt to live their lives as fully-engaged, active members of society. Finding information and support regarding education, employment, public benefits, housing, and healthcare is often an overwhelming experience. Northern Virginia families know The Arc of Northern Virginia as the ‘go-to source’ for information, education, referrals, and support.


Meet Co-Chair Brian Creswick, The Arc of Northern Virginia Board of Directors, 1st Vice President

Brian is a director at the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program, where he leads the Operations team. His portfolio includes human capital, finance, fundraising, and management with a focus on continuously strengthening the organization’s capacity in these functions.

 “The Arc of Northern Virginia reaches so many individuals and families in our local area through its advocacy, education, and direct service programs. Whenever I meet someone related to an individual with intellectual or developmental disabilities – whether it be a neighbor, colleague, or friend in the community – I am always excited to share the meaningful work this organization does and the support it can provide. Attending a Benefit Breakfast is an easy way to hear from the people behind The Arc and bond with others who are united in its mission.”

sunny (1)

Meet Co-Chair Sunny Blanco, The Arc of Northern Virginia Board of Directors, 2nd Vice President

Sunny has more than 20 years of banking experience and currently serves as a Commercial Services Officer in the Arlington/Alexandria market at United Bank.

“The Arc of Northern Virginia is instrumental in providing support to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities as well as their families. The Arc of Northern Virginia raises awareness, promotes inclusivity, advocates to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities, and empowers individuals to live to their fullest potential. I can’t think of a more worthwhile cause and events like the Benefit Breakfast is critical in supporting the mission of The Arc of Northern Virginia.”

Make an on-line donation TODAY!

We know you care about your community.  We know you have the heart and desire to help families, to ensure that everyone with a disability gets to live a fulfilling life of their choosing.  We also understand busy schedules.  If you are unable to join us for the live event, you can still become a supporter.  Your generous contribution to support our mission means that we move ever forward toward our vision.



Event Sponsorship Opportunities

Since our first benefit breakfast in 2019, we have been fortunate to have the support of generous businesses, corporations, and organizations. Our Benefit Breakfast sponsors, through their contributions to the event, help ensure that the funds raised from this signature event are maximized to support and expand programs and services to the individuals and families we serve. It’s also a great way to associate your name with a highly-respected charitable organization and at the same time demonstrate your commitment to serving our community.


Become a Sponsor!

Thank You to Our Sponsors

We would like to thank the following sponsors for their support of our mission and making the A Life Like Yours Benefit Breakfast possible:


Gold Level Sponsors

gabriel homes

Silver Level Sponsors
Mark and Christine Fowler


The Washington Group Special Care Planning Team


Champion Level Sponsors
Human Capital Strategic Consulting


Official Networking Partner

(As of 3/10/2025)

Questions? Just ask!

Questions about the breakfast? Email us at:

Interested in being a sponsor?  Email Howard Stregack, Director of Development at:

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