December 2024
Dear Friend of The Arc of Northern Virginia,
We are approaching the end of the year, and it’s customary at this time to begin planning for the new year, even as we reflect on 2024. Not just on our accomplishments—although I think it’s important to acknowledge the hard work of so many people to push our mission forward—but also what we’ve learned, as individuals, advocates, and supporters. Are we prepared to step up to challenges for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) that lie ahead?
For 62 years at The Arc of Northern Virginia, we have strived to create opportunities for people with disabilities in our community, to open doors and open hearts, and to help build a society in which full inclusion is woven completely into the fabric of our community.
The mission has evolved over the years, of course. The concept of inclusion itself has grown as our society has learned and taken to heart a simple, powerful philosophy: Disability rights represent nothing less than basic human rights. It’s been a long road, and not always a straight or smooth one. But at every step of the journey, from advocacy that led to groundbreaking legislative advancements like funding for Priority One of the DD Waitlist, to the integration of assistive technology into the daily lives of people who need it, The Arc of Northern Virginia has been there. Along the way, we’ve shone a light on the concerns and the possibilities of the IDD community, and we’ve worked tirelessly to alter the public perception of disability.
Will you join us in ensuring that we can support families in the new year?
At this time of year, we take a moment to acknowledge the work we’ve done together, to focus attention on our mission of inclusion, and to raise the necessary funds to help those in our community who need our assistance. Your generosity will help guarantee that our programs will move forward and even grow. We’ll be able to continue to provide solutions through our workshops and webinars, our Information and Referral services, and our advocacy efforts with those who make legislative decisions that affect our community. Families will continue to receive crucial financial planning and trust support, as well as guidance through the DD waiver process and support through all the stages of their lives. We will provide additional opportunities for people with IDD and police to practice encounters to ensure safe outcomes. Our technology team will continue to make exciting and groundbreaking progress that allows people with IDD to access public life with the aid of technology and live and work more independently. And, as always, we will create new resources and solutions in response to the emerging needs of the families we serve.
Your gift today will strengthen the foundation on which all our efforts are made.
The programs that you support with your commitment and your generosity matter to the individuals and families who have come to depend on The Arc of Northern Virginia. You enable us to provide support in the form of essential resources, dedicated advocacy, and meaningful community building.
You can help us accomplish great things in the new year with your donation to
The Arc of Northern Virginia. We invite you to do so now.
As we close out a year of hard work and accomplishments, we thank you for being such an important part of the work we do and the community we serve. We couldn’t do it without you.
Happy Holidays,
Melissa Heifetz
Executive Director
P.S. Your donation now will make an important difference. This holiday season, please make a generous gift to help further our vital work for families. And please check with your employer to see if they will match your donation.

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