The Arc of Northern Virginia supported by a grant from The HSC Pediatric Center is excited to offer the 2023 LEAP Awards (Life Enrichment Awards Program).
The purpose of LEAP is to enrich the lives of youth and young adults with disabilities and chronic illnesses in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. LEAP provides goods and services that are directly linked to youth transition planning and implementation that are usually not available from public service and government agencies. These goods and services are not covered by Medicaid or private insurance and are not considered “medically necessary.”
Examples include, but are not limited to:
• Skills camps or classes (does not cover general tuition costs)
• Instruction or fees for starting a business
• Assistive technology to improve academic or professional opportunities
• Computer hardware or software
• Tutoring
• Independent living skills training
• Business clothing
Eligibility Requirements:
• Must live in the Washington Metropolitan Area
• Must be between the ages of 14 and 26
• Must not have received a LEAP grant within the past three years
• Must have a documented disability
Application Deadline: Friday, August 25, 2023

Award Notification:
Applicants will be notified of results by phone and/or email by September 1st. Once an applicant is selected as a LEAP recipient, The Arc of Northern Virginia will coordinate with the applicant and their family, caregiver or representative, to make arrangements for the award.
Contact Diane Monnig, Director of Programs at dmonnig@thearcofnova.org or 703-208-1119.