Trippett Fellowship
The Frank Trippett Advocacy and Outreach Fellowship was established in 2021 by the family and friends of the late Frank Trippett. It was created as a tribute to his years-long advocacy on behalf of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Under the supervision of the Director of Advocacy, and in cooperation with other staff members, the Trippett Fellow assists with outreach and education to families with a loved one with a developmental disability. Working to engage families in understanding resources and feeling empowered to get what they need for their loved ones, the Fellows share information in English (Rob) and Spanish (Majo) in person, in workshops, and at events. The Fellows create durable materials and resources families can read or watch at any time to get them critical information.

After his retirement from government service in 2001, Frank Trippett (1951-2021) and his wife Linda worked closely with The Arc of Northern Virginia to build a rewarding life for their daughter Hailey. Described by Linda as “a man of substance and a man of integrity,” Frank strove to advocate not just for his family but for an entire community. Building on the support and resources the Trippett family found in their partnership with The Arc of Northern Virginia, Frank was tireless in his commitment to assisting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to achieve lives of their own choosing within their community.
The Fellowship seeks to create an enduring legacy to Frank’s advocacy and deep personal commitment to helping other families like his connect to vital resources.

In August of 2023, The Arc of Northern Virginia announced the appointment of Rob Hudson as the Frank Trippett Advocacy and Outreach Fellow.
Rob’s advocacy on behalf of his daughter, Schuyler, who has a rare disorder called polymicrogyria, has guided his personal philosophy for the past twenty years. He published a memoir, Schuyler’s Monster, with St. Martin’s Press in 2008. Rob has written for a number of publications and has presented, with Schuyler, at numerous disability and assistive technology conferences. Their message is one of hope, and most of all the belief that disability rights are human rights.
Rob is an integral part of The Arc of Northern Virginia staff, working in the Communications and Community Relations department in support of Advocacy efforts and other programs and projects of the chapter. He spent fourteen years working in communications at The University of Texas at Arlington and has also worked in special education for the Fairfax County Public Schools.
The Strength and Fragility of Inclusion
A Gift of Grace
Out of my Mind: A Parent Advocate’s Reaction
A Workplace for All
Growing an Inclusive World
Launch Prep for School
There’s Work To Do
A Question of Language
A world diminished by what it cannot see
The Many Hats of Advocacy
The Power of Presence
In Their Own Words
Inclusion for the Holidays
Building the Family Village
Perspective in Advocacy: A Conversation – Part II
Perspective in Advocacy: A Conversation – Part I

We are excited to welcome Majo Flores as a 2024-2025 Trippett Fellow, with a focus on outreach to the Spanish speaking disability community. We know the need for information and resources in Spanish is great, and we look forward to meeting this growing need with Majo’s help.
Majo is a dedicated advocate, driven by her personal experiences with her young daughter and nephew. Her involvement with The Arc of Northern Virginia has deepened her understanding of the needs of individuals with disabilities and the importance of advocacy. As a native Spanish speaker with years of experience in interpreting, translating documents, and assisting immigrants and individuals with disabilities, she is exceptionally well-suited for this new position.
Majo’s time will focus on directly answering questions in Spanish, translating some of our existing written and video materials into Spanish, and creating workshops and other learning opportunities for Spanish speakers.
Estamos emocionados de dar la bienvenida a Majo Flores como Trippett Fellow 2024-2025, con un enfoque en el alcance a la comunidad de personas que hablan español y tienen discapacidades. Sabemos que la necesidad de información y recursos en español es grande, y esperamos satisfacer esta creciente demanda con la ayuda de Majo.
Majo es una defensora dedicada, impulsada por sus experiencias personales con su hija y sobrino. Su participación con The Arc of Northern Virginia ha profundizado su comprensión de las necesidades de las personas con discapacidades y la importancia de la defensa de sus derechos. Como hablante nativa de español con años de experiencia en interpretación, traducción de documentos y asistencia a inmigrantes y personas con discapacidades, ella está excepcionalmente calificada para esta nueva posición.
El tiempo de Majo se centrará en responder directamente preguntas en español, traducir algunos de nuestros materiales escritos y en video existentes al español, y crear talleres y otras oportunidades de aprendizaje para la comunidad de habla hispana.

To learn more about the Frank Trippett Advocacy and Outreach Fellowship, our year-round advocacy activities, or our priority issues, contact our Director of Advocacy Lucy Beadnell at
For further general information pertaining to waivers, visit our online Resource Library. You may also get answers to your specific questions by submitting an inquiry to our Information & Referral Portal.

Honor Frank’s Memory – Support the Fellowship
Frank strongly believed in the goodness of the community, and the notion that a community can and could support all its residents. Consider making a financial contribution to The Arc of Northern Virginia to honor Frank’s memory and his commitment to outreach and advocacy.

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