Abuse Among Those with a Disability
Becoming a “Tough Target” for Abuse People with developmental disabilities are more likely than people without disabilities to become victims of crime. It is incredibly important to help prevent abusers from targeting your loved one, and prevent abuse from occurring even if someone is targeted.
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Advocating for Those with a Disability
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Aging with a Disability
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Airline Travel
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Americans with Disabilities Act
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Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (CCC+)
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Consumer Directed Services
“Consumer directed” means that a person with a disability, often working with their family, decides exactly who will be hired to provide support services. The consumer is the person with a disability and they are “directing” or controlling exactly who will assist them.
Consumer Directed Attendant Guide provides information on understanding and utilizing consumer directed services to get the help you need in your home and community.
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Disability and Law Enforcement Interactions – Criminal Justice Reform
Reports and studies show what we have come to know at The Arc of Northern Virginia quite personally– people with developmental disabilities are much more likely to have negative interactions with the justice system and end up incarcerated than the typically developing population.
Interacting with Police and First Responders
Printable Car Bumper Sticker/Magnet – Download and print this image to tape inside your back windshield (just ensure it is visible through any window tinting.) Another idea is to have the image printed into a
bumper sticker or
car magnet. It notifies first responders that the applicant has a disability and may need accommodations.
Video: Police Interactions for People with Disabilities – This video was developed as part of a grant funded by the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center for The Arc of Northern Virginia to create short videos with information on interactions between people with disabilities and the justice system. They’re designed to empower people with disabilities and let them know about options and accommodations they can request.
911 Calls
Video: Calling 911 for People with Disabilities – This video was developed as part of a grant funded by the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center for The Arc of Northern Virginia to create short videos with information on interactions between people with disabilities and the justice system. They’re designed to empower people with disabilities and let them know about options and accommodations they can request.
Traffic Stops & Accidents
Video: Traffic Stops for People with Disabilities – This video was developed as part of a grant funded by the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center for The Arc of Northern Virginia to create short videos with information on interactions between people with disabilities and the justice system. They’re designed to empower people with disabilities and let them know about options and accommodations they can request.
Script for an Auto Accident – This document is a one-page guidance script drivers with developmental disabilities can keep in the car to help them remember what to do, ask, and say in the event of an accident.
Comfort Kits
Video: Comfort Kits for People with Disabilities – This video was developed as part of a grant funded by the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center for The Arc of Northern Virginia to create short videos with information on interactions between people with disabilities and the justice system. They’re designed to empower people with disabilities and let them know about options and accommodations they can request.
Resource Guides
* = indicates a document formatted for accessibility.
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Early Intervention
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Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT)
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Financial Assistance
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Legal Authority – Guardianship – Supported Decision Making
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Live-in Caregiving
We have seen a huge increase in the number of people opting to use live-in aides to make living with greater independence possible. These new guidebooks were created by The Arc of Northern Virginia in 2018 as a result of a grant award from the Arlington Community Foundation.
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Moving to Virginia
Considering a Move to Virginia? There are lots of things to consider and understand as you think about a move to the Commonwealth. This two-page Fact Sheet may help answer some of your questions.
You’ve Moved to Virginia Welcome! There are lots of things to consider and navigate as you settle into the area. Many services do not move with you from another state or area, so this handout will review some key things to know, as well as first steps and contacts as you make Virginia your home.
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Social & Recreation
Building Social Connections – These are resources in the Northern Virginia area that offer social and recreation opportunities to young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
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Social Security
Initial Applications
Rental Agreement
Representative Payees
Social Security and Waivers
Social Security and Working
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Special Education
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Special Needs Trusts and ABLE Accounts
Frequently Asked Questions
Special Needs Trusts and ABLE Accounts
Types of Special Needs Trusts
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Top 10 Lists
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Transition from School-Provided Services to Adult Services
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Frequently Asked Questions
Managing Your Waiver Services
Medicaid Benefits
Waiver Eligibility Assessments – VIDES
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Youth Programs
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Materials Printed in Amharic
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Materials Printed in Arabic
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Materials Printed in Chinese
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Materials Printed in Korean
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Materiales Impresos en Español – (Materials Printed in Spanish)
Vision General de The Arc of Northern Virginia
(The Arc of Northern Virginia – An Overview)
Cómo navegar las exenciones por discapacidades del desarrollo: Una guía para personas, familias y socios de apoyo
(Navigating Waivers for Developmental Disabilities: A Guide for Individuals, Families, and Support Partners)
(Benefits of Medicaid Waiver)
(Calculating Rent for Social Security Recipients Living in the Family Home)
Este documento ensena diferentes opciones para calcular el alquiler para una persona discapacitada que es obtiene el beneficio de Seguridad Social y que vive en su hogar familiar.
(Divorce and a Child with a Developmental Disability)
Guías de puntos de transición
(Transition Points Guides)
Ayuda financiera para personas con discapacidades de desarrollo
(Financial Aid for People with Developmental Disabilities)
Preguntas frecuentes sobre los beneficios del Seguro Social
(Frequently asked questions about Social Security benefits)
Autoridad legal
(Legal Authority)
Defensores y abogados de educación especial
(Special Education Advocates and Lawyers)
Cuidado Coordinado de la Comunidad (CCC Plus): Atención Administrada
(Community Coordinated Care (CCC Plus): Managed Care)
La Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades: Derechos para Personas con Discapacidades
(The Americans with Disabilities Act: Rights for People with Disabilities)
Entendiendo la Doble Elegibilidad de Medicaid y Medicare
(Understanding Medicaid and Medical Dual Eligibility)
Calculando el Alquiler para Beneficiarios de Seguridad Social que Viven en el Hogar Familiar. 4.2.24
Este documento contiene información sobre precios de alquiler para personas que reciben beneficios de SS y viven con su familia.
Contrato de Arrendamiento Residencial 10.31.22
Este es el ejemplo de un contrato de renta.
Gestión de Horas de Cuidado Personal bajo Exención 4.9.24.
Contiene información importante sobre la administración del cuidado personal de un beneficiario de una exención.
Representantes Legales con la Seguridad Social 4.8.24. Personal que pueden ser representantes legales de una persona con discapacidad, frente a la oficina de Seguro Social.
Acreditaciones de Crédito con Permiso Especial / Special Permission Credit Accommodations
Este documento contiene información sobre como obtener créditos educativos cuando se necesita una acomodación especial por discapacidad.
Comparación de Fideicomisos de Necesidades Especiales con una Cuenta ABLE (VA) / Comparison Trusts and Able
Este documento contiene la diferencia entre los diferentes fideicomisos de necesidades especiales y las cuentas ABLE.
Comprendiendo y Tomando Decisiones con Apoyos – Understanding and Making Choices with Support 4.3.24
Puede encontrar diferentes tipos de autoridad legal y apoyos que pueden ayudar a la toma de decisiones del diario vivir.
Incentivos del Seguro Social – Social Security Work Incentives 4.8.24
En este documento se encuentra la información sobre diferentes planes, beneficios, y condiciones especiales que el Servicio Social ofrece.
Vídeos en Español – (Videos in Spanish)
(Options for Legal Authority)
Las diez mejores herramientas de planificación para la discapacidad: un seminario web en 3 minutos
(Top 10 Disability Planning Tools: A Webinar in 3 Minutes)
¿Qué es una exención?: Un seminario web en 3 minutos
(What is a Waiver?: A Webinar in 3 Minutes)
Solicitar la exención: un seminario web en 3 minutos
(Apply for Waiver: A Webinar in 3 Minutes)
Seguro Social: Proceso de Solicitud de SSI y SSDI
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Materials Printed in Vietnamese
Transition Points Guides
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