The Arc of Northern Virginia, a leading voice in promoting and protecting the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities for more than 60 years, announced today that it will move its headquarters office to a new, state-of-the-art facility in Merrifield.
The new office space, located at 3060 Williams Drive in the new Venture X facility south of the Mosaic District, will provide the organization space that allows for greater flexibility for growth, and allows for more cost-efficient strategic access to spaces such as meeting and conference rooms. The move is in line with changes to the workforce in general, following the Covid-19 pandemic.
“The pandemic-related shutdown, the option of web-based and technology driven programming, and the wide adoption of more flexible on-site work requirements made us look seriously at how much office space we really needed,” said Executive Director Melissa Heifetz. “Our new offices not only reflect the societal changes in the workplace, I’m confident they’ll help us attract and retain a dedicated workforce. And at the same time, our new location will allow us to continue the high quality of programming and services our community has come to depend on from us.”
The new address, effective Monday August 7 will be:
The Arc of Northern Virginia
3060 Williams Drive, Suite 300
Fairfax, VA 22031
The chapter’s main office phone number and staff member email addresses will not change.
For the past ten years, The Arc of Northern Virginia had been located on Hartland Road, in the Merrifield area of Falls Church. Timing of the move coincides with the expiration of the organization’s lease, and the owner’s plans to reconfigure the building as a medical facility.
Once we get completely moved into the new offices and the dust has settled, we’ll announce an Open House to show off our new space to self-advocates, families, donors, grantors, partners, and the public.
Exterior view of the office building at 3060 Williams Drive, Fairfax. The Arc of Northern Virginia will reclocate offices here on Monday, August 7, 2023
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As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, The Arc of Northern Virginia relies on private support from individuals, corporations, organizations, and foundations to fund our efforts. Your generous donations help make it possible for us to provide programs, services, and advocacy so that people with IDD can live “A Life Like Yours.”