

Fighting for the rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities

At The Arc of Northern Virginia, we speak out on issues that affect large portions of our disability community, like waivers, job supports, and early intervention. We engage in systems-level advocacy activities focused at the state and local level. Occasionally, we will join our national organization to support some advocacy efforts on the federal level. These advocacy activities are undertaken with the goal of creating meaningful change for all families and individuals with IDD, not individual cases.



We work closely with legislators and county officials
on crafting policies and programs that meet the needs of the disability community.

What Do We Do?


We arrange meetings between elected officials and their consituents living with or caring for someone with disabilities. These face-to-face conversations help legislators understand the real-world implications of laws, policies, and regulations.

We Educate Policy Makers

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We help people understand that they have an important story to tell, that what they have to say is important. Then we help them craft their compelling messages, and support their efforts to deliver their story in meaningful and impactful ways.

We Empower Advocates

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We use our collective voice to fight for policies, regulations, legislation, and public funding that support the full inclusion of people with IDD in their community. In the halls of the statehouse or county admin buildings, we fight for equality and equity.

We Campaign For Meaningful Legislation

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The Virginia Ability Alliance members, including The Arc of Northern Virginia, advocate for community opportunities for people with disabilities, and supports investments of state, local, and private resources in building access to the community in all settings.

We Lead & Engage with Coalitions


We co-host candidate forums prior to significant general elextions. Our goal is to offer the voting public a chance to meet and hear from the candidates running public office, and understand their positions on public disability services and programs.

We Ask Candidates to Face the Voters


The Arc of Northern Virginia cannot and does not campaign for or endourse political candidates. We do however encourge those with disabilities to excercise their rights to vote, and help educate voters on candidates' positions on issue that affect the disability community.

We Encourage Participation

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Through self-advocacy, people with IDD will have more impact on their own situations and on the public policies that affect them. Our People First/ALLY Toastmasters program helps self-adovcates find their voice and share their stories.

We Support Self-Advocates


People First for Young Adults is a social and self-advocacy group for youth with disabilities ages 14-26. The goal of the group is to help individuals with disabilities understand the importance of self-advocacy and empower them to speak out for themselves.

We Empower the Next Generation

Help us to promote and protect the human rights
of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.


Stay Informed

We send out Action Alerts to people on our listserv when critical votes, policies, or budget issues are coming up. By being on each of our three email lists, you’ll get all of the critical updates on local, state, and federal issues. We love for families to be a part of the full Arc network and you’ll always have opportunities to advocate!

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Tell Your Story

Your story matters! Elected officials are often bombarded with graphs, data, and charts. However, what really resonates is a personal story. Stories are remembered over time and continue to influence policy long after you tell them.

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Learn to be a Self-Advocate

People First is our chapter of a national self-advocacy group. We have combined the mission of People First with an adapted chapter of Toastmasters. We support self-advocates in learning about issues that affect them, then learning to speak up and advocate for change. We welcome anyone to join us for this free program.

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Host a Lawmaker

Between the end of General Assembly session and the end of the year, we work with families to invite their legislators to come to their homes for a visit. The family tells their story of what is working and what is not, while staff from The Arc of Northern Virginia shares the statewide perspective and data.



Attend a Town Hall Meeting or Candidate Forum

Before the General Assembly session begins and on weekends during the session, state lawmakers hold town halls all over Northern Virginia to give their constituents updates and receive feedback. During election season, those running for office are invited to speak on their positions and hear from the voters. We always need people to join us in solidarity and speak at these events.


Attend a Local Budget Hearing

We follow the budget processes at the city and county level, and will speak out at local budget hearings and other information sessions. We always need people to join us in solidarity and speak at these events.


Join Us at the State House in Richmond

Each year during General Assembly, we take a bus to Richmond for Developmental Disabilities Advocacy Day. We always need people to join us on the bus, speak to legislators in Richmond, attend rallies, and come back that day.


Contact Your Representatives

We’ll give you the information you need to pick up the phone or write an email and help us ensure things go the right way for people with disabilities.


Trippett Fellowship: Expanding Outreach and Engaging Others in the Mission

The Frank Trippett Advocacy and Outreach Fellowship focuses on outreach activities to educate families about the resources that are available for them and their loved ones, and to encourage people with disabilities and their families to become more engaged in advocacy for systemic change.

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Expressions of gratitude from those who have been helped by our work
“Lucy Beadnell is a gem and such a fantastic resource. She always responds quickly, and will deftly answer a question. She has a lovely way of making caregivers feel seen and heard. Over the years we’ve relied on Lucy as she helps to guide us on our journey. I don’t know how we’d do it without the Arc. Thank you.”

Jen Tucker


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